So, if you are here reading this then you must indeed be curious about me. Excellent, I will do my best to provide answers.
J.T. Fisher is the planned pen name of Jared Fisher, a twenty-something endeavoring on getting into the authoring world. That's me, in case you missed that.
I live in the North Carolina Mountains, and I quite love it there. I am an avid lover of storytelling in all of its forms, from books to films to even the occasional video game, and I am quite obsessive over cracking the code behind them and dissecting the stories within them. I dabble in art as well as writing, though it is debated among my friends which of these I am the better at, but don't take my word for it, you should decide for yourself, and for that you need to go to the My DeviantArt Tab and click on the link.
I am attempting to finish college at the moment and that takes up a pretty good portion of my time, but I don't plan on being a stranger so worry not. There is much more to learn about me and life in general, but to do that, you'll have to stick around and read up on my thoughts and musings. That's all for now.