[War Machine, a second, more beefed up battlesuit ripped and rearin' to go in the epic sequel Iron Man 2]
Man, to think it's been a week since I got this blog, and to top that off, it's been six months since my life changed. Time is a funny thing, it keeps getting bigger.
Well, anyway, I figured I would talk a bit about, (not too detailed, I'm in a rush today) a few different subjects.
One, what I plan on posting on here. Frankly, I don't have much of a simplistic theme to go with, and I'm not so able to just go on talking about my feelings like some people of chromosomal persuasion ;). So, my time will mainly be spent going on about the rather random things I come across, the things that make me me, and perhaps some more trivial things along the way.
Now, today, I will be taking an epic trip with an epic pal to go see an epic sequel at an epic theater, which is at an epic mall at any epic time. Epic much?
(I get those little face icons off of deviantart)
Yesiree, Iron Man is back, a film that received rather good reviews for a superhero flick back at my senior year of highschool. Only difference is now he has no secret identity and has a second suit with a lot of big guns on it. War machine, my epic friend Patrick's, (who I'm going with) favorite superhero. He even nicknamed one of these
after him. (I don't nickname them all that much)
[Aggron, a Steel type Pokemon from gen. 3]
I'll type my thoughts on the movie after I get back. I'm hoping these words will be positive ones.
The peace!
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