Monday, May 31, 2010

Deviation without the Time in Jail, the messed up world of Deviantart

[A little look into the world we artsy folk traverse]

Since my last entry was about someONE very important, I figured this one would be about a sort of place I find important. I have to go into a little detail about the web site I spend the most time on and boost my recognition, to answer a few questions before you ask them.

One, if you know my girlfriend, she has at least shown you a link here. This is Deviantart. It is like. . . . Facebook for artists, kinda. . . . 

I post what I write or draw on the profile you see in the picture above, (though its a small cutout of the whole page) and people do and say what they think. You can 'fave' something, comment on it, and even download it or buy a print of it. That's Deviantart in simple terms. Truth be told, though, it's not the most pleasant of places at times. 

I heard one website describe Dev. Art as a 'malignant tumor on the face of the internet.' At times, that's not far from the truth, in my time on there I've run into some people I just would not want to meet. The vast majority of DA's population is that of attention hungry teenagers that take photo's of themselves with stage blood or warped photo effects, goth or rabid anime fans, to say the least. But, despite that, I still have a profile on there.

I have encountered plenty of people I'm not terribly crazy about, but at the same time I have also encountered plenty of like-minded people on here as well. It's just a place where you have to find your niche. I myself have a lot of fun in the sci-fi genre.

I won't go into too much detail right now, but DA is like a second home to me. I've made friends, I've grown as an artist and writer, and I've even won in a contest before. It's a place where I can be myself, and through that I meet others. God has used me there for many things.

I'll start going into specifics for what I'm doing on there, next time.

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