I have spent many a long night typing out a timeline for DH. Seeing as how my 'verse spans thousands of years and covers major events in history in a new and unique way, I find the more and more I fill in, the more I can. Just when I think 'I have all that I need' I find a new animal source and think 'snap! I didn't think of that.' Thus, the list is ongoing. I am eliminating old I ideas at the same time, though, so it pays off. Most of what I've been doing lately are side monsters that pay little more importance than an homage. That, and I've filled in a few classic archetypes I didn't have before. Suffice to say, filling in millions of years worth of events is hard.
But, I believe I am approximately halfway done with the thing, to be positive.
In the meantime, I have been sketching out many of my designs over the past couple of days. Unlike many of my sketches, these have been on computer paper. And you know what THAT means. . .
In order to get a feel for the scope and timeframe of my 'verse, I will be uploading sketches of the many creatures and people, at times just to show a difference in designs and sizes, but also to ask for some help in some of my more troublesome designs.
To give a preview, one is a praying mantis, which I have more than eleven different mantis species saved as concepts. That's the big one, the others will mostly be for opinion gathering.
My digital art will be taking a slight dip over the next few weeks, though there is a big reason involving photoshop, which I have acquired and need to learn how to use. I'll get the ATs and requests and the rest of the DH files done on Corel like I've been using, but I feel its time to move up in the world to a program I can use with greater effect.
Now what does that mean for you bloggers? Well, in order to actually establish a niche on Blogger, I have decided to upload these sketches on here as well as on my DA. If you haven't commented up to this point, for whatever reason, I'll be needing help and opinions, so please consider what I have to show you all.
Signing off for now.
I'll comment, J! ;)