Monday, July 19, 2010

Kaiju All Stars

In light of my most recent entry on the monster, specifically kaiju (Japanese for monster, typically used to describe city destroyers like Godzilla) genre, I thought I would go ahead and announce the newest project I have come across on DA for the genre. DA has a rather healthy, active fanbase for giant monsters with regular contributors, and one day someone came up with the idea of making an All Stars mega monster universe that we all could contribute to. It has rules, regulations, and templates to work with, but the result can be so entertaining when people come together and simply tell a good story.

Currently, it is in the founding stages, with only 3 canon monsters as the time flies. The art differs by person and their resources, but we can make do with that by sheer idea power, which many of the people in the genre have.

I will include a link to the homepage here, in which you can read the many ideas pooled together. (disclaimer: not everyone in this genre holds the same moral standards as I or I'm sure you do, so keep a grain of salt in check. We're trying to keep it PG-13 rated, but everyone thinks differently. Don't say I didn't warn you when you go on there and see the use of words you wouldn't use.)

Anywho, the page is found here.

Enjoy, and give the group a read. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I like what you've come up with for the Kaiju All Stars thus far, Jared. Keep up your awesome artwork and writings dear...I love you and I love them too! *I just love your new blogger setup too mister!* :)


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