I haven't really done much on here, but I am working on changing that, and I figure I can start here.
Now, the questions.
1) What is your favorite book, and why?
It certainly has been some time since I last thought about this, and the answer is certainly difficult to determine, but in the end I would have to pull a nerd card and say that, technically, it's not a favorite book, per se. Rather, it's an ongoing process.
Yes, my favorite book series is that of Batman of DC comics fame. Now, I don't own a single Batman comic, but I don't have to to know this. Everything about Batman fascinates me, his motivations, his actions, the symbology of his appearance, and I could go on for hours. While I have my qualms with comic books (that's a story for another day, though) Batman is good enough to see past it. His character is among the greatest created in the last several centuries, and the critics can back me up on that.
2) If you could pen the name of your own memoir what would it be titled?
-The Unbeaten Path
Its a theme I like imaging in my head, though my memoirs would be a scattered experience to say the least. Ironically, this isn't the first time in the past month I've thought about this.
3) What is your favorite song, and what is it's meaning to you?
-Now this one took me a while, but in the end I actually arrived at a result. I heard this song for the first time years ago and didn't quite realize then, but listening to it today it really is, well, my song. It was inspired from the first Narnia film and written and performed by the band Jars of Clay.
It's called 'Waiting for the World to Fall.' Funny thing is, I've never been the biggest fan of Jars of Clay, but this song, when I heard it again a few months ago, made my jaw drop and stay in that position for some time. The exact intentions of the song are different, but when the lyrics are interpreted slightly differently, it quite simply becomes something that I feel like I would write about in terms of how I look at things. I won't go into intensive, nerdy detail, but I will say it is an excellent work.
4) What is your ideal blogging/writing atmosphere?
-The quiet, preferably, though I find I can function quite well when there is noise it is just a little easier. As for place, well that doesn't really matter either.
5) What is your favorite movie genre, and why?
-Sci-Fi, and here's why. Reality has its moments and all, but Sci-Fi just shows the kind of place, world, and time that I would most like to see myself. Whether it's the old fifties monster films with rubber monsters and puppets breaking things, or the eighties when the clunky Robocop goes about taking names in a grungy, animatronic New York, or the modern day where gamma irradiated giants face blue skinned cat people who are ruled by autonomous robots or whatever have you, it all just appeals to that sense of child-like wonder I take so much pride in.
6) What is your favorite tv show, and why?
-That title goes to an old program from my youth called
Beast Wars: Transformers
It was a mid-nineties show, so I was young, but in truth it is HANDS DOWN the best Transformer series to date and arguably the best older kid show to date. It was award winning for it's pioneering CGI works, it's noteworthy characters, and it's gripping story even by the mainstream media. To this day I still enjoy what it gives you, and I hope one day people will remember it for the greatness it is.
7) If you could have the skill of playing any musical instrument which one would you want to play (if you already play an instrument what different one would you want to play?)
-My respect for music is a young one, but strong. Above all else, that goes to the piano. All forms of it, it is the instrument I find the most entertaining to hear. Playing it will never be a full time thing, but I happen to be lucky enough to be dating someone who is exceptional at it.
8) Who is your favorite author, and why?
-Why choose?
And that wraps up the time today, folks. I will not be tagging anyone else because I do not want to, but if you read this, feel free to come up with your own wacked out questions.